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Secondary Building Incident

Secondary Building Incident

SSPPS Staff and Families,

We wanted to provide you with an update to this afternoon’s situation at SSP Secondary. After further investigation, we received confirmation that there was a box of air filters that caught fire in the mechanical room at SSP Secondary. Fortunately, the sprinkler system was activated and put the fire out. We are thankful for our invaluable partners at the South Metro Fire Department (SMFD) and SSP Police Department (SSPPD) for their quick response and assistance in managing the situation. 

We also want to say how amazing our students and staff are. Because we continue to place high value on safety training and drills throughout each school year, they all handled it calmly and efficiently.

Please know that our number one and first priority is always the safety of our students and staff and managing the situation at hand. Our commitment extends to ensuring accurate and timely communication. We pledge to only share information that has been verified by district leaders or trusted partners, such as the SMFD and SSPPD so sometimes exact details may not be in our initial messaging. However, we will always continue to provide you with details as we learn them.

Thank you all for your patience today as we navigated a challenging situation at the secondary building this afternoon.