A vacancy on the Board shall occur when a member dies, resigns, or ceases to be a resident on Special School District No. 6. If a member of the Board of Education is unable to serve on the Board and attend its meetings for ninety (90) days or more because of illness or prolonged absence from the District, the Board may, at any regular or special meeting thereof, declare a vacancy to exist. All vacancies will be filled according to school board policy #214 and Minnesota Statute.
If a seat becomes vacant mid-term, the replacement member will serve a term of office which is the shorter of the following: "until the completion of the unexpired term, or until the first day of January immediately following the next regular Board of Education election taking place more than ninety days after a person is selected by the Board."
The term of a member elected during a special election shall not exceed the term of the member they are replacing. Nor can the term of a Board of Education member be lengthened by the member's resignation and subsequent selection by the Board.
Minnesota Statute states that once the board approves an appointment, the appointed board member cannot be seated until 30-days after the appointment.