Infinite Campus- Parent Portal is the system South St. Paul Public Schools uses for student and family information. The information stored in Campus Parent Portal is used for the district's messaging system ParentSquare. It's important families check their contact information in Campus Parent Portal on a regular basis.
Enter the Activation Key given to you by the district. Contact your school office if you do not have it. Once the Activation Key has been used to create an account, it cannot be used again. Click the Submit button. The Activation Key will be verified, and when approved, a screen will prompt you to create a username and password.
Create your own username and password for the Campus Portal.
Enter a Username. Use an alphanumeric (either letters and/or numbers) username. CANNOT CONTAIN ANY SPACES OR CHARACTERS! DO NOT USE AN EMAIL ADDRESS.
Enter a Password. Passwords must be at least 8 characters in length and should contain upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters to be considered strong.
Re-enter the password in the Verify Password field.
Click the Create Account button.
This action will create your username and password. The username and password will be verified, and upon approval, your portal account will be created. Use the Click Here link on the account creation page to enter the username and password to access the Portal information.
You may see this screen the first time you sign in: Enter your email address and your new Parent Portal password.
Once you have logged in the first time, go to More - Family Information to update your phone and email addresses.
When looking for our school district, be sure to select Minnesota for the State, and then type in South for the school name, followed by pressing the Search button. Choose the South St. Paul Public Schools district.
How do I get notifications through the app?
Notifications are available through the Campus Parent mobile app. You may need to enable notifications on your device as well, in addition to the app settings.
Before you log in, mark Stay Logged In to receive notifications.
After logging in, click the user menu in the top right and then click Settings and Notification Settings.
From there, you can check the box to receive notifications every time your student’s Attendance is updated. Note that our district is not using Campus for Assignments and Grades (those will be in Schoology for gr. 6-12).