English Learners
Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) for English Learners (ELs)
South St. Paul Public Schools welcomes English learners (ELs) and the many assets they bring with them. An English learner is a student who speaks another language other than English and has yet to demonstrate full proficiency in English. Students classified as EL are as diverse and different from one another as any other student in a classroom. English learners come to school with a wide range of home languages, cultures and proficiency levels in English. English learners complement and enrich the school environment. Some English Learners speak no English; others have high levels of oral proficiency and only need support with their academic language.
In South St. Paul, we embrace the WIDA Can Do Philosophy. English learners have an unique set of assets that enrich the learning experiences for all learners. By focusing on what our ELs can do, everyone grows and learns.