The SSPPS elementary intervention program WIN: What I Need helps students in grades K-5 who are in need of additional support in reading and/or mathematics. Classroom teachers provide direct instruction for every student in the homeroom class, then students who need a second or even third dose of instruction get support from resource teachers or educational assistants in Intervention, English Language Learners, and/or Special Education. Student service is the priority, and decisions will be made based on student assessment data and need.
Classroom instruction includes approximately 90 minutes of reading/language arts and 60 minutes of math daily. Learning is “transdisciplinary," authentic and relevant to the real world, supporting the PYP Units of Inquiry through concepts and logical academic connections.
Every student will be a part of at least one guided reading group. Students most at risk for learning receive intervention support from a licensed teacher, in addition to the classroom teacher's instruction. Regular progress monitoring will be administered, based on the level of service received by the student. Interventions may take place within the classroom or as a pull-out.
Title I
Federal Programming supports the Intervention Services provided by the South St. Paul Public Schools. Title I provides funds to supplement educational services in schools with higher percentages of students receiving Free or Reduced Price Lunch assistance. Kaposia Education Center and Lincoln Center Elementary are both Title I schools.
Title I School-wide Programs
Schools with Free-Reduced Price Lunch rates greater than 40% may operate as school-wide programs (SWP). SWP schools design a school reform plan aimed at improving overall education, while still focusing on students at risk of not meeting standards. SWP status allows schools more flexibility in using Title I funds. For example, SWP staff funded by Title I dollars can work with any student in the school, where in a targeted assistance program, they are only allowed to work with students identified as at risk. Kaposia Education Center became a School-Wide program in 2013. Lincoln Center runs as a School-Wide program as a result of being identified as a Focus School in 2012.
Non-Public Schools and Title I
Eligible students in non-public schools in the South Saint Paul Schools' boundaries are also eligible for Title I services from the district. Students at Holy Trinity receive targeted assistance services.