Qualifying Life Events
Changes to health and/or dental insurance outside of the open enrollment period may be possible if a qualifying life event occurs. Please contact Barb Lamfers in Human Resources for more information. Required paperwork for coverage changes, as a result of a qualifying life event, must be submitted to Human Resources within 30 days of the life event.
Below is additional information pertaining to specific qualifying life events:
Obtain New Coverage
If you, or your dependents, have obtained new insurance coverage within the last 30 days, you can drop coverage. You must provide evidence of new insurance coverage, which must show the name(s) of the individuals who have new coverage AND the date the coverage began.
You may change your insurance coverage from single to single+1 or family coverage by adding your new spouse (and his/her eligible dependents) to your plan. Coverage for your new dependent(s) becomes effective on the date of marriage.
In the event of a divorce, the ex-spouse is no longer a legally married spouse and coverage must be dropped within 60 days of the divorce date. The ex-spouse will be offered MN Continuation of Coverage through COBRA.
New Child
Coverage becomes effective on the date of birth or adoption.
Involuntary Loss of Coverage
If you, or your dependents, have involuntarily lost coverage within the last 30 days, you can add eligible dependents to your plan (if you initially waived coverage, you can enroll in coverage). You must provide evidence of loss of coverage. Evidence may be a copy of the COBRA notice, HIPAA notice, or some other employer or insurer document that clearly shows the name(s) of the individuals who lost coverage AND the date the coverage ended. Documentation must be forwarded to Human Resources within 30 days of the loss of coverage.
Child Graduates from High School or College
This is not a life event. You can remove a child from your coverage if he/she has obtained their own coverage within the last 30 days (see Obtain New Coverage above), if the child turns 26, or during an open enrollment period.