Finance & Business
The Finance and Business Services Department coordinates the daily, monthly, quarterly and annual business operations of the school district. Our functions include budgeting, accounts payable, accounts receivable, purchasing, student accounting, and insurance management.
The department also manages the annual budget, audit and levy process. Our staff works together on a day-to-day basis to process cash receipts and disbursements in a timely manner and manage the cash and other assets of the district.
Financial Documents
Financial documents for the past five years are posted on this website. Documents are organized by year and available below.
Questions regarding the provided documents should be directed to Brady Hoffman, Director of Finance, via email at, or phone at (651) 457-9428.
Finance news
SSPPS leaders testified at the State Capitol before the Education Finance Committee to advocate on behalf of the SSP taxpayers for Levy Equalization. If the state passes the levy equalization funding bill, SSP taxpayers will likely see a reduction in their property taxes with the funding to our school district remaining the same.
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Over the past year, South St. Paul Public Schools refinanced existing debt to reduce the amount of taxes paid by South St. Paul property owners. These savings do not come back to the school district, but rather are a reduction in the annual taxes assessed to our taxpayers.
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Contact information
Ra Chhoth
Finance Director
(651) 457-9428
Ben Becraft
Finance Specialist
(651) 457-9471
District and School Report Cards
Financing Education in Minnesota
Minnesota School Finance: A Guide for Legislators