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Desired Daily Experience

We hear you SSP Students, Families, and Staff

Leaders from South St. Paul Schools engaged with stakeholder groups (students, families, and staff) to understand their desired daily experiences and how we can better support their needs. Workshops were conducted with each group to learn what they expect from our schools, staff, and leaders. A large group of students from each school worked with their school administration to brainstorm words, feelings, and actions they expect when they enter our buildings. Families from each school were invited to workshops or submit a form with their expectations. Staff engaged in a workshop session before the school year began, they worked in groups representing different departments across the district. Based on the input we received from these groups, descriptions of the Desired Daily Experience were drafted.

Desired Daily Experience

These Desired Daily Experiences will be the backbone of how we move forward with our strategic plan and serve as a guide for our teachers and staff when working with students and families. They will also help determine where funding is needed to continue our commitment to meeting the needs of our students, families, and staff.